
LaNorris Sellers will be the major key to South Carolina's offense this season.

Need to get something off your chest? We want to hear your rants and raves. Email or call us at 803-765-0707 ext. 126. Submissions will be for length and spelling but not grammar. Please limit emailed submissions to 150 words.

Christian Nationalism is the American version of the Taliban.

This is a rant. A really, really big rant for whoever at the city of Columbia redesigned the intersection of Calhoun and Bull and Calhoun and Main streets in downtown Columbia. Whoever it is, they are complete idiots. 

Gubner McMaster,  I'm agonna share a secret to eliminate those goshdarn unions: reel good pay and benifits. Shoot, we might also get rid of those welfare queens, too. Shh, don't tell those libtards, bo. Own it.

Hot April week. AC a must. No charge, though. God bless my rooftop solar panels.  

Trump is a symptom of a deadly disease sweeping the country.

I went to my 1st rodeo ever in Blythewood. I said "hey horses, why the long faces."

The University of South Carolina football team had a scrimmage. I wonder who won.

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